Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hamper Hum

Hey! Get away from there you rodents, you dogs, you Asians! There's still liquid in those cans goshdangit!
Rex needs fuel to seek thrills. Look, I'll share. Ah. Yuck. Hmm. That squirrel looks drunk- anybody know anything about squirrel blood? Are you sure it's not 1 r and 2 l's?
Now as your local person being a person among other people like beings, you should know that I have gotten wiser since I last graced these interwebs. Yes, I have one stump and one foot like a gingham and flesh appendage kinda thing, and yes, my helmet can never be removed again, so I'm kinda like Darth Varmint in White, but the point I'm trying to make here, campers, is that I still have fo fi tee (four or five teeth), and pretty good use of one eye, so the truckers can choose between socket and gums and I have been able to parlay that buffet of services into some enhanced mileage, right?
Today I find myself in Pawcett Gulch, Nebraska and I can attest that wormy, blighted corn is better for wiping. I went to see the mayor of Pawcett Gulch, who is also a travel agent, to discuss a new art piece in the town square, and she was like totes amenable. But I had to furnish my own cannonballs and it really is better to have two feet for that kind of project. So I abandoned it, feeling that faint tangy whiff of the notion that my ambitions are stunted by an aversion to hard work. I abandoned it, and went over to the hardware store nearby and broke me some windows.
The stock boy came chasing it with a circular saw, but I only had to leap out of the range of its extension chord, which put me right in front of a moving bus. Helmet! Still works.

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